Archive For The “politics” Category

Tweets And Blackface

Tweets And Blackface

. Earlier this week a national chain tweeted a joke which caused some controversy:   When this sort of thing occurs, one thing that happens is that people who believe it is in bad taste are immediately accused of a standard riff of thoughts and feelings; being too sensitive, too angry, too ‘PC’, and wanting…

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I Voted – Now It’s Your Turn

I Voted – Now It’s Your Turn

. Voting has begun across the country. Today I went and cast my ballot, and you need to go and do the same. If you believe that you have any bit of responsibility for the success of the society, the state, and the city you live in, then this is your most basic responsibility –…

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LeSean McCoy, And The Final Word On Tipping

LeSean McCoy, And The Final Word On Tipping

    Gratuity is part of the price of a meal. If you have a problem, ask for it to be corrected, ask for a manager, or LEAVE. And unless you got your own drinks, utensils, condiments, and went to the kitchen to get your own meals, you were provided service. PAY FOR IT. The…

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It’s Not That You’re Conservative, It’s That You’re Crazy

It’s Not That You’re Conservative, It’s That You’re Crazy

  Chris Hayes highlights the mental disconnect on the right driven by ignorance, mental illness, egoism, and Obama Derangement Syndrome. We’ve seen this behavior for years(say one thing and do another), but the release of Bowe Bergdahl has created a new frenzy of schizophrenia.          

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Serviceman Denigrated, Mass Murderer Celebrated. This Is U.S.

Serviceman Denigrated, Mass Murderer Celebrated. This Is U.S.

    How is it that a serviceman we know nothing about (Bergdahl) is being denigrated and questioned while someone we know a bit about and wish we didn’t (Roger) has his videos and words celebrated throughout all channels of the media. If it bleeds it leads? There’s something wrong when a society comes to a…

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Virginia group hoists second huge Confederate flag along interstate

Virginia group hoists second huge Confederate flag along interstate

      The thing about the confederate flag is that it is a secessionist battle flag. Without a doubt, the flag represents warfare, and at worst adherence to principles of racial supremacy. There are an infinite number of ways to celebrate history and heritage without the free and public flying of this flag. -SJ…

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